Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Information gathering....

I have been a busy bee...tons of information to gather, and I am just touching the tip of the iceburg.

I have a great idea for the layout and sequence of my book, and I really look forward to sharing this excellent piece of literature with others that are passionate about the Arabian Horse.

Also please pass on this blog to others you know that would be interested in my work.  I am so excited to be part of such a great breed of horse, and to be able to tell the world about how amazing these animals are.

If you have Arabians and would like them included in my work please let me know, and I will get the information that I need to place them into my work.

Thank you all for reading...

Till next time...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I have gotten 40 pages completed...YAY

Working on producing 500 pages per book...or more...

First book...Kuhaylan Strain  also known by Kehilan, Kuhailan, Kehailan, Koheilan, Kouhailan, Kahlan, and I am sure many more.

If you would be interested in including your horse in this project please send me an email, and I will get all the information from you that I will need to do so.  Also if you are interested in purchasing a book I will be announcing the release date soon.

Thank you all that have shared information, and I hope that the information that I have created is as accurate as possible with the resources available to me.
Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to releasing new books on the horses of different strains soon...

till next time...


Thank you for visiting...I look forward to sharing my adventures in writing what I feel is a comprehensive collection of Arabian Horse information and Pedigrees.  

I look forward to sharing all the pitfalls, and all the triumphs that come along with this labor of love for the Arabian Horse.

Till next time...


First book...Kuhaylan Strain  also known by Kehilan, Kuhailan, Kehailan, Koheilan, Kouhailan, Kahlan, and I am sure many more.

If you would be interested in including your horse in this project please send me an email, and I will get all the information from you that I will need to do so.  Also if you are interested in purchasing a book I will be announcing the release date soon.

Thank you all that have shared information, and I hope that the information that I have created is as accurate as possible with the resources available to me.

Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to releasing new books on the horses of different strains soon...

till next time...